For earlier posts on this project please see here and here.

Hopefully as the project is reaching the end of outside construction we won’t be woken up six days a week at 7 a.m. by the beeping equipment anymore. I’ve given up setting my alarm clock. It’s irrelevant.

The leasing office is open. None of the apartments are done but they are renting for a May 1st move in date.

The architect’s web site talks about how “the area [referring to the neighborhood not the site] will be reclaimed after nearly a generation of decline.” Either they don’t know what the term generation means or their perception of decline is wildly different than mine. Either way, hellava way to introduce yourself to the neighborhood.

Traffic is already a nightmare around here. No one comes or goes Thursday through Saturday around dinner time unless they can’t help it. It’s total gridlock. Hopefully most of the new folk will use their feet, bikes or public transport like the developers claim they will. I’ll believe it when I can get in and out of the area in a timely fashion.