Not dead yet
It’s been so long since I’ve posted that the site is sending me subscription confirmation email 3-5 times a day. I’ve logged on a couple of t...
It’s been so long since I’ve posted that the site is sending me subscription confirmation email 3-5 times a day. I’ve logged on a couple of t...
Getting everyone ready to go back to school is never easy on either the nerves or the wallet. The prep required is made even more difficult by the wide variety ...
Exit 9 off of I91 in North Haven, Connecticut is the epitome of suburban shopping mall sprawl at its worst. I’m sure it’s great for the town coffer...
We don’t have gods or goddesses. At least not in the same way those before us did. We found our own path to the Golden Rule, regardless of whomever is doi...
The Star Supply project is moving along. After several months of the house shaking first from the destruction and then from the pile driving, we’re down t...
I’ve been soooo stuck on this damn book. Just looking for those last few chapters and not being able to get pen to paper, fingers on keyboard. Only three ...
It’s all disassembled and packed up. New Haven’s Old Barge, possibly the last oyster barge in existence, is heading back home to New York City. It w...
I don’t deal well with change. I never have. I’ve lived in the same city since I was forcibly transplanted here thirty some odd years ago and have l...
Couldn’t sleep last night. It was a bad pain night. One of those nights where I’m constantly turning over and around in bed like a chicken on a spit...
I’ve been stalling since the spring on writing the last four sections of The Tome. Oh the irony. I’m 90 thousand words in and I can’t get the...