Weekend in Vermont
Love this photo, she remembered as she excavated it from a deep dive into the social media photo file. Why not recycle it for the page once again? It’s ...
Love this photo, she remembered as she excavated it from a deep dive into the social media photo file. Why not recycle it for the page once again? It’s ...
Was reading an article recently on how the point of a writer’s life isn’t necessarily publication and success, because lord knows how rarely lightni...
I’ve been trying to pick up my camera more often these days. Haven’t had much of a chance to get outside to shoot so I ended up with what’s ar...
How could it possibly be fucking July already? It’s really late February or maybe early March, right? The fact that the garlic is almost ready to harvest ...
I’ve been looking at other houses lately. The progeny’s father has been in real estate in one form or another since I met him. He was my landlord a...
Life is rather busy right now. Not in a bad way. Just in a “OMFG how is it almost the end of August already?” kinda way. The days are long but the ...
I loooooove music. I always have. A world without it would be much darker. Live music, especially when a venue hits that critical mass of music pouring forth an...
I’ve recently gotten some very good news on the financial front. I can’t really go into great detail but it includes a way for me to actually be abl...
Spent a recent birthday weekend in the nation’s capital due to the generosity of Dad #3 and his lovely wife. It was an especially wonderful gift as I got ...
My youngest has always loved all things small and fluffy, children included. She barely remembers my last cat, Zoobie. My only memory of the two of them is the...