3 days of Hell for 362 of pleasure
In the greater interests of keeping food costs in check, eating as local and in-season as possible, convenience and of course for better food, I spend three day...
In the greater interests of keeping food costs in check, eating as local and in-season as possible, convenience and of course for better food, I spend three day...
This is one of those meals that I just threw together at the last minute because we HAD to eat something for dinner. If it was just me, I’d be happy with...
I’m starting to get a handle on this slightly healthier eating style which also includes trying to stick with more local and in-season foods. It’s s...
It’s that time of year where we’re finishing up the last of the supplies put up last year and taking stock of what we want to do this growing/pickin...
Update: I wrote this a couple of weeks ago and then got sick. Everyone is already settling into the school year schedule but it seemed a waste to discard an a...
I’m usually the eater of last resort when it comes to the leftovers in this house. I get them when everyone else is sick of them or there isn’t qui...