Around the house

I’ve been trying to pick up my camera more often these days.

Haven’t had much of a chance to get outside to shoot so I ended up with what’s around me.

I grow lettuce in the window boxes with the pansies in the spring.  It’s the only place with enough sun and it’s easy enough to harvest when it’s time for a salad.  The pansies didn’t do so good this year but the lettuce wasn’t half bad.

The cat is a handful but he has his moments.

I’ve been spending a lot of time at my desk and this little grinning critter hangs off the curtain that’s on the window next to my desk.  His eye fell off so I gave him a pirate patch until I glue him back together.

This is what’s been sucking up all my brain space and most of my time since the late fall of 2017.

Just hope it proves worth the time.

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