I originally wrote this in December 2024 but then life got in the way and I forgot to clean it up and post. I still like the words, still stand by what I wrote and it’s more relevant than ever, so…
One of my social media “about you” phrases is that I wanted to study the Gilded Age, not live in it. I wrote that when I opened the account 15+ years ago and if anything, the age has only gotten more gilded. The problem with gilding though is that it’s only skin deep and beyond the reach of the vast majority.
I’m tired of the oligarchs buying themselves free reign just like they did before the trust busting of Teddy Roosevelt and the Progressive Era brought about by FDR. The majority of my life has been lived during the unwinding of the middle class begun by Regan and it hasn’t been a pleasant journey for too many of us. I need a little joy in my life to wash away the bad taste left by the last few decades, especially recently.
Xmas for me isn’t a religious holiday. I’m an atheist.
But I like the pretty things full of memories which are the ornaments we put on the tree year after year and being extravagant for a moment with food, drink and presents for those I love.
Some years are better than others financially and 2024 wasn’t horrible. There could always be a bit more in the bank for the inevitable pitfalls but the bills are paid and there’s still a bit left.
So what to buy and where from?
My younglings aren’t that young anymore so most of my shopping is done by conveniently provided lists with direct links to the shops. These are things above and beyond what they would buy for themselves for daily life so they truly are gifts. None of us are at the point of buying non-essential things for ourselves ‘just because.’
There were requests for various books because they are my children. The eldest already uses a community minded source for those in the UK and I also discovered a similar service on this side of the pond for a couple of things for myself. It was also easy enough to purchase some of the youngling’s requests from a local bookshop instead of the Evil A or the big green monster that ate all the smaller chains. (R.I.P. Border’s!)
Etsy and direct artist websites were also several more orders. Unfortunately the Canada Post strike fouled up an order for myself and the youngling but it’s a righteous action so we can waited, without complaint, in solidarity.
This year was a big one for stickers at con. I bought so many, directly from the artists, for all three of us. Yeah, they’re not cheap but are you really going to bitch about handing over cash to the person who spent a bit of their one precious life bringing it to you?
Last year I accidentally tipped an artist I bought a matted print from. I was about to ask if there was some way to cancel the tip but when he turned the screen to around to complete the purchase, his face lit up and he was so happy because no one ever tipped him. Made his day and mine. His joy was totally worth the little bit of my one precious life it took to earn the tip. Just thinking about his joy makes me smile over a year later.
Shopping wasn’t all about presents and indulgences. I’m always stocking up the homestead to prepare for what’s to come, especially this year. In order to keep the one precious life a bit more sanitary, I needed to place an order for things to keep it all clean. Who better than Dr. Bronner? I learned about their products from a friend whose housefrau opinion I trust and have been very happy with everything I’ve bought from them. What better way to clean than with something that can be used in so many ways and isn’t going to destroy the planet at the same time? Win win!
I’ve always tried to shop as responsibly as I can but there have always been logistical and financial impediments to a greater or lesser extent, mostly greater. I’m doing my best to avoid the current robber barons of the ilk of Bezos, chain stores and Christo-capitalism. It can’t always be avoided but I’m willing, and able, to spend a bit more of my time to do a wee bit less harm or maybe even a bit of good. Put your dollars where your beliefs are and all that.
What kind of world do you want to live in?
Shop for your life – while you still can.