It’s that time of year where we’re finishing up the last of the supplies put up last year and taking stock of what we want to do this growing/picking/preserving season.
Need more garlic, always need more garlic. Although I will say that this year we managed to use it up just as it was starting to sprout. The onions and shallots didn’t do so well last year but I have hopes for this one if I ever remember to order those sets. I forgot to order the seed and start it in late January, which was just as well considering what a gloomy late winter we had. They never would have survived.
The Mutsu apples we picked at Bishop’s weren’t impressive fresh but dehydrated into bits of yummy goodness that work well in oatmeal or straight out of the jar.
Strawberries, need more strawberries. The frozen ones are long gone and the dehydrated ones soon after. Probably have enough dehydrated raspberries and tomatoes to last for another year. They didn’t move as quickly as I expected them to.
The root cellar (aka the giant plastic bin in the basement) needs to be better secured against the mousy hordes we seem to be infested with. But until they found their way in, the sugar pumpkins and apples kept pretty well.
I used up the last of the apples, I can’t remember what kind they were, in my favorite quick and easy apple dessert – a galette. All the flavor of a pie but for some reason ten times as easy to make.

All you need is a pie crust, some apples, sugar (I like turbinado sugar for the extra flavor), cinnamon, Clear Jel or flour and an egg wash if so desired.
It’s easy, really. Peel, core and slice the apples. Toss them with a bit of sugar (not too much!), cinnamon and a splash of lemon juice to keep them from browning. You can add in a bit of Clear Jel or flour to hold it together if the apples are especially juicy.
Roll out your pie crust (I try to keep extra ones in the freezer for this recipe and quiche) till it’s pretty flat. If you do it on a piece of parchment paper it’ll make everything easier. Transfer the flattened pie crust to a cookie sheet. Pile the apple slices in the middle and fold over the edges to keep them from escaping.

Paint the edges with egg wash if you want to be fancy. Sprinkle the entire thing with a bit more sugar. Bake in a 350° oven till it’s done and yum!
I’d show you a picture once it was finished but it didn’t last long enough.